Webinar – Is your Warehouse Leaking away your profits?
Webinar: Is your Warehouse Leaking away your Profits?
Tuesday , September 25th, 2:00-2:45 PM EST
Is your warehouse leaking away your profits? Do you know exactly where your inventory is? Would you like to decrease shipping errors and boost customer service levels? Attend this free webinar and discover the benefits of automating your warehouse! We’ll cover such topics as:
- How to stop the “leaks” in your warehouse that are costing you money!
- What is a WMS system and how can it help my organization?
- How to achieve up to 99.9% picking accuracy
- Visibility of inventory in “Real Time”
- ERP integration with other ERP Systems
- How a surprising short ROI can pay for the system
- And much more! Register your place below!
- Click Here to Register
- Each person that registers and attends this webinar will receive a valuable White Paper titled “How Goods Correctly Flow through a Warehouse with a WMS System”