Cloud Experts | Mt. Laurel, NJ
Take productivity and collaboration to the next level
We’ve all heard of cloud computing, but what exactly is it? And more importantly, how can it benefit your business? Cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices, such as smartphones and tablets, over the internet.
Cloud computing provides a way for businesses to increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure or licensing new software. It encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that extends a business’s existing capabilities.
This means employees can be more flexible in the way they do things, collaborate more efficiently, and work from wherever they are. Cloud computing can help you reduce your costs, improve your overall operational efficiency and scale your business as needed.
We provide cloud computing consulting services and cloud computing support to businesses in Mt. Laurel, NJ. Our expert cloud computing consultants can help you get into the cloud and avoid all the common mistakes people make. To learn more about how we can help you with your cloud issues contact us today.
“Beringer Technology Group’s Cloud Solutions give you all the benefits the cloud has to offer, including more time to focus on your business, low maintenance fees, enhanced productivity, and much more.”
Benefits of our Cloud Solutions include:
Simplicity - You no longer have to stress about storage space and prohibitive maintenance fees.
Security - Your company’s critical network systems and data will be protected from loss and theft.
Scalability - Increase or decrease your storage, capabilities, and number of users as demand dictates, without having to invest in new hardware.
Support - Our cloud specialists will monitor your systems 24/7 and provide support whenever you need it most.
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How can we help?
Whether you're seeking a fully managed IT solution or expert assistance with a Microsoft solution, we're here to provide expert advice whenever you need it.
Call us at (800) 796-4854 or complete the form below and we'll help in any way we can.
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See What Beringer Technology Group Clients are Saying
John Crain
Haztek Inc
Engagement was excellent!!! Walked through the process and explained everything precisely. Great support. Thank you.
Rose Gaano
The Food Bank of South Jersey
The tech support person explained to me in simple terms what they were checking on my computer and what I should do on my part to help resolve the issue.
Rick Jacobs
DocuVault Delaware Valley, LLC
Tyler S. provides an easy, comfortable ability to walk through the support process. He turns his knowledge into understanding for the customer.
John Schimpf
Madsen & Howell Inc
Brian's perseverance to "get into the machine" was fantastic. Once in he was able to fix the problems and get John up and running. Great job Brian!!
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