Wireless Site Surveys & Heatmapping
Serving South Jersey, NJ
As businesses become more and more process dependent, a reliable wireless connection can make or break a business, especially those that rely on mobile devices. Business owners are finding value in partnering with third-party suppliers to perform a regular wireless site survey, ensuring their network is performing at the optimal levels.
It's a common problem in any office for some rooms or corners to have a strong wireless signal while others are weak or totally dead. It's common but it isn't a problem without a solution.
A stable and strong reliable network connection means less disruption in your business operations and employee productivity.
"Our professional network engineers will assess the specific needs of your business to provide the most complete WiFi coverage within your facilities."
Analyze RF Signals
Running heatmap software exposes the areas where radio frequencies are strong and weak.
Access Points Deployment
Strategically deploy access points within the mapped location and remove any unnecessary or redundant points.
Optimized WiFi Channel
This ensures signal will penetrate through walls within your facilities to strengthen weak spots.
Beringer Technology Group will perform an interior and exterior site survey at your request and convenience. This ensures your premises has an adequate number of points, but that they are in the proper locations for your internet to run smoothly and efficiently --permanently. We provide wireless site surveys and heat mapping services for companies in the South Jersey, NJ area. Our team has gained deep experience optimizing WiFi networks for a variety of companies, contact us today if your business is in need of a wireless site survey company!
How can we help?
Whether you're seeking a fully managed IT solution or expert assistance with a Microsoft solution, we're here to provide expert advice whenever you need it.
Call us at (800) 796-4854 or complete the form below and we'll help in any way we can.
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See What Beringer Technology Group Clients are Saying
John Crain
Haztek Inc
Engagement was excellent!!! Walked through the process and explained everything precisely. Great support. Thank you.
Rose Gaano
The Food Bank of South Jersey
The tech support person explained to me in simple terms what they were checking on my computer and what I should do on my part to help resolve the issue.
Rick Jacobs
DocuVault Delaware Valley, LLC
Tyler S. provides an easy, comfortable ability to walk through the support process. He turns his knowledge into understanding for the customer.
John Schimpf
Madsen & Howell Inc
Brian's perseverance to "get into the machine" was fantastic. Once in he was able to fix the problems and get John up and running. Great job Brian!!