Knock, Knock, Who’s There? It’s your CRM System – We Miss You!
User Adoption, the dirty words in CRM. You spent all of this money and now have 15 out of 90 users who work in and out and all over your expensive, shiny, new CRM solution. They love it! About another 20 or so are trying but seem not to get it. The rest begrudgingly enter some notes and a phone number or two and that’s it. Adoption is not good…
Just about every CRM out there does Sales, Service and Marketing. Development and Tracking of the Sales Pipeline is key to success. You can’t sell without it, nor will you know IF you are selling without it.
Customer Service is huge, it takes weeks to win a customer and seconds… well, you know that old chestnut.
We have delved into CRM planning and design, Change Management, Success strategies, Implementation methodologies galore, carrot/stick, user psychology, voodoo… and lots more to divine the secrets to this elusive brass ring.
After all that – it seems simple enough:
1. Build it for them (Not for you – add the snazzy reports, BI and management oversight tools later.)
2. Train them up in multiple, short how-to sessions.
3. DO expect them to do it – you removed the excuses in 1 and 2.
Voila! CRM for the working sales man and woman.
Call us for the secrets to ACTUALLY doing this. We are called into these situations all the time. People either needing to restart their existing solution or looking for another one because the other one was too cumbersome to use. (Not designed, configured or introduced correctly – and by the appropriate people.)
Note that we only implement Microsoft Dynamics CRM. There is a reason – it is the most widely acceptable, mainstreamed and solid solution in the marketplace. Call it the Evil Empire if you like, but it is the Empire we live in, and they are making serious strides in CRM. (Let alone Microsoft Office and Windows 10…)
Beringer Associates, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, is here to support all of your CRM technology questions and issues. Please contact us with any questions you may have.