
Dynamics 365 Form Notifications

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Learning Path Loop

I recently ran into an issue when logging into a new Microsoft Dynamics 365 system. Each time I logged into the system, I found myself being overwhelmed by browser redirects and pop-ups. I was being redirected to CRMDYNINT.COM every few seconds. There were so many that it eventually had an impact on the overall performance of the system.


I tested this occurrence on multiple systems and determined that this was a random occurrence that did not happen on all systems. Microsoft Dynamics 365 was redirecting the user to the Guided Learning Path. When this occurred, a bug in the redirect caused multiple new pages to open.


To resolve this issue, login to Dynamics 365 using another browser such as Chrome or Firefox. Navigate to the settings menu and select the option to ‘Opt Out of Leaning Path.’

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