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Calculated Fields – Microsoft Dynamics 365

Calculated fields are one of the most powerful and versatile out-of-the-box functions included in Microsoft Dynamics 365. If you’re an Excel power user (or even if you’re not), you can easily understand calculated fields in the context of an =IF statement. IF {condition A is met} THEN {perform an action} OTHERWISE {perform a different action}. These fields are useful when providing meaningful data points for specific records, or when feeding dashboard elements that allow your organization to assess your most vital KPIs at a glance. This article aims to demonstrate the power of calculated fields in Microsoft Dynamics, but the use-case below is only one example. The possibilities for calculated fields are limited only by your imagination and the needs of your business.

Creating a Calculated Field

Begin by creating a new field and giving it a meaningful name. Based on your use case, decide what Data Type the field should be. In this example, the calculated field will be used to determine the age of Case records, so the name Whole Number has been chosen. Below Data Type, change the Field Type from Simple to Calculated and then click the Edit button.

In the resulting pop-up, the condition and subsequent action(s) should be defined. In this case, the calculation should only run for Active cases. Therefore, set the condition to look for cases in an Active status.

Next, define the action. This is where the calculation of the Case Age takes place. Dynamics has several different options for calculating the difference between two dates. For this example, DIFFINDAYS is the most logical way to calculate aging of a Case record. The formula simply calculates the difference between the date the record was created, createdon, and the current date, now().

Once the Condition and Action have been defined, save and close the record. Note that multiple conditions can be added, in addition to the option to add an Else condition and action if the first condition is not met.

We add this calculated field to the Case form as a quick way to assess the age of a case, without performing the calculation separately.

But this is only a simple use-case for calculated fields in Microsoft Dynamics. The information that Dynamics now calculates for each record is useful when identifying critical cases for service staff with the use of Custom Dashboards. Start by creating and saving a system view on the Case entity to capture the relevant data. In this case, select Active Cases aged 90 days or more.

Save this view and add it to a custom dashboard as a list element that delivers an overview of the aging cases. Multiple views are available for the service organization hierarchy that allow service representatives to see their aging cases, service managers to see the aging cases of the members of their team, and organizational leadership to see all aging cases, to assure appropriate and timely resolution that meets the needs of the business and their customers.

Contact Us – The Possibilities Are Endless!

As mentioned, this is only a single use-case for calculated fields. Imagine creating a calculated option set that buckets cases based on the first calculated field into cases that have aged, 0-7 days, 7-14 days, 14-21 days, and 21+ days. Then, these calculated fields feed a custom dashboard graph that visually represents the general age of the overall case pool.

The potential use cases aren’t limited to the Case entity, either. Can you think of any potential uses for calculated fields on the Lead, Account, Contact, Quote, or Order entity? If you’d like help with calculated fields and getting the most out of your organization’s Microsoft Dynamics system, Contact Beringer Technology Group today!

Beringer Technology Group is a leading Microsoft Gold Certified Partner specializing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 and CRM for Distribution. We also provide expert Managed IT Services, Backup and Disaster Recovery, Cloud Based Computing and Unified Communication Solutions.