
KeePass Exploit Unveiled: Retrieving Master Passwords in Clear Text

D365UG/CRMUG Summit 2018 Phoenix, AZ

D365/CRMUG Summit 2018

Phoenix Convention Center  |  Phoenix, AZ

October 15-18, 2018

Register Here!

Join the Microsoft Dynamics CRM community this October for CRMUG Summit Phoenix! The largest annual gathering of CRM users, CRMUG Summit is designed, led, and attended by CRM users, partners and other experts from around the globe. CRMUG Summit is the one place this year where you’ll take part in electrifying general sessions, essential peer-to-peer knowledge exchanges, product insight forums, and authentic networking opportunities.

Contact Beringer with any questions you may have.

Beringer Technology Group, a leading Microsoft Gold Certified Partner specializing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 and CRM for Distribution. We also provide expert Managed IT ServicesBackup and Disaster RecoveryCloud Based Computing and Unified Communication Solutions.