Email Archive Compliance Needs? The Cloud is your friend…
In the past 5 or 6 weeks – 3 of my clients have asked for a forensic email search and recovery – for esteemed counsel… Legally, it is crucial to have the right tools and solutions in place to make sure that recovery is easy and complete. Actually? This is a major “pain in the butt”. Quite unavoidable though.
BUT – if you get caught up in this type of shenanigans, the cloud is your friend!! Office 365 will hold all the dirty laundry you can throw at it. All the offhand water cooler turns of phrase your people used in email, the links and attachments you need to retrieve, the bad choices of words and plain digital mudslinging is ALL KEPT and can be mined easily using the Legal Hold Compliant Archive systems built into Office 365 Exchange Online.
This infrastructure is beyond anything we thought possible only a few short years ago. Six distinct copies of all the data you can put up there in 2 geographically separated datacenters with ridiculously complex encryption that only the end user account admins have access to? Yeah – it’s pretty solid. None of that E-dirt is going anywhere. Ever.
Just what you wanted to hear about data security in the cloud, right? Yup. Not quite the things you wanted to hear about email hold compliance and archiving of your nasty company rumor mill? You betcha…
2 takeaways from this:
1 – Find out more about Office 365 here.
2 – Train and support your people about your policy on email content and digital etiquette. Have them sign something…
Oh, and not in that order.
Beringer Associates is a Microsoft Gold Certifed Partner. We are here for all of those gnarly issues, like forensic email search and recovery. Please contact us for more information.