
Information is King

In the real estate world the phrase goes like this “location, location, location”.  In business today it’s more like “information, information, information”.  Sales, marketing and customer service need real-time information on customers and prospects to be able to properly do their work. Sale reps need to know things like:

  • What are their customers annual sales numbers
  • What recent items have their customers bought
  • Are their any service issues pending
  • What orders are open
  • How much does the customer currently owe

The marketing department needs to know:

  • Real-time results from recent marketing campaigns
  • Current customer buying trends
  • Up to date sales results

The customer service reps in order to provide the very best level of service need:

  • Ability to provide real-time resolution to a customers requests
  • Accurate knowledge of a customers sales history
  • Ability to create service tickets and RMA’s instantly
  • Ability to seamlessly delegate tasks

The ability to provide information as outlined above and much more resides within CRM For Distribution.  CRM for Distribution builds on the power of Microsoft Dynmics CRM and adds the vital information from a businesses ERP software through a tight integration.  This allows the business to provide the correct, pertinent data to the various departments within a business  we discussed above.

What are the compelling reasons more and more wholesale distribution businesses are turning to CRM For Distribution?

  • Improved customer service levels
  • Increased sales
  • better return on marketing dollars spent
  • More productive employees
  • Higher gross profits

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is ideal product for delivering the information required by your business to succeed, however not every business requires the same functionality from the solution, because all companies are different and have unique needs. This is why first-time adopters of the CRM system should contact Beringer Associatesto achieve a successful implementation from day one.

We have helped clients maximize their investments in IT products for more than two decades, and we are especially knowledgeable with many Microsoft products. We are a Microsoft Certified Partner, so your business will receive the most up-to-date support regarding any changes made to Microsoft’s offerings.