Java not on my Chrome
Java may be on its way out the door. Starting back in April with Google Chrome version 42 and ending this month with Google Chrome version 45, Chrome has made the jump to no longer supporting Java or NPAPI plugins. (Netscape Plug-in API is a feature of Chrome that allows extensions to interface with the local machine.) This doesn’t come as a surprise though, Google started their efforts to remove support more than a year ago but kept the option to re-enable the support for NPAPI with Chrome version 42. However, as this IT support administrator has learned, support abruptly ended the first of this month with version 45, which disabled the “trick” allowing you to re-enable Java.
Point blank, Java no longer works on Chrome, but will still work in Internet Explorer and Firefox. This is a serious step, as Java has been a major platform for website code for the last decade. Amazon, Facebook, Ebay, and even Google have used Java for Gtalk and Google Plus. This is an attempt from Google to force the industry to adapt as Java has had famous exploits of vulnerabilities in its history. A bold move by Google, unless competitors such as Microsoft and Mozilla reciprocate and follow suit. Time will tell if users will accept this, or move on to other platforms such as Firefox.
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