Microsoft CRM on iPad, Android Tablet or Smartphone
A client recently inquired about using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 on their iPad. CRM 2011 has a mobile format (Mobile Express) that can be displayed from most mobile devices including iPad, Android tablets and smartphones by simply going to your CRM url with a /m on the end, ie: The mobile version has limited functionality and initially only Leads and Contracts are enabled, more can be enabled by following these instructions:
In CRM 2011 the navigation has changed so that Mobile Express configuration exists within each entity.
For example, if you want to enable Accounts for Mobile Express, go to Settings –> Customization –> Customize the System –> click on the Account entity, and make sure that the checkbox for Mobile Express is checked. Then, navigate to Forms underneath the entity and find the mobile form. Open the form and select the fields you want to appear within Mobile Express and remove unnecessary ones. Publish your changes and test on your mobile device by entering the URL of your organization with a “/m” after the URL.
There is also a great third party product called CWR that is much more robust than Mobile Express– here is a recorded webinar of the solution: If you are interested in CWR mbolitiy please email us at