
KeePass Exploit Unveiled: Retrieving Master Passwords in Clear Text

WPA3 Wireless Security

Wireless networking isn’t going anywhere, and neither are the “bad guys” who are interested in penetrating your wireless network security. For this reason, we have wireless encryption like WEP, WPA, and WPA2. The next best thing is here, WPA3. Listed below are some great new features.

Brute-force resistance

This is important because a hacker can run a script on an access point to indefinitely guess a Wi-Fi password. WPA3 limits these attempts and after the threshold is met, blocks authentication.

Stronger Encryption

WPA3 will utilize a 192-bit security suite similar to the National Security Algorithm from the Committee on National Security Systems.

Safer Open Wi-Fi

This will allow for encryption for networks that don’t have a password set. For example, Starbucks or a public library.

Internet of Things Support

WPA3 will be easier to configure using smartphones/tablets which is very important since most homes today are phasing out desktop computers.

Why should you be excited for WPA3? Well WPA2 is from 2004 and has had a few exploits over the years. For example, WPS exploit, Hole 196, and KRACK attack. Right now, this is the most secure wireless security available for general use. It is important to improve wireless security standards because hackers can find new ways to get into systems especially if they have been around for a while. So keep your data safe and consider upgrading to WPA3 when it is more widely available in current routers/access points.

Beringer Technology Group is always here to provide expert knowledge in topics like these. Contact us today with any questions you may have.

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