Cyber Security – Keeping Data Secure in a Connected World
Did you know that 75% of network attacks and intrusions come from exploiting weak or stolen passwords? How about that the average amount of time an attacker stays in a network before being detected is over 140 days? Once inside the network, it’s next to impossible to tell what that attacker has done and we’ve all seen the repercussions from such attacks in the news.
If you didn’t get a chance to register and attend our webinar about Cyber Security – Keeping Data Secure in a Connected World, we’d like to give you the opportunity to watch the recording.
A few of the topics we discussed:
- Protecting your users
- Access Management
- Built-in Security
- Intelligent Analysis of Account Behavior
- Guard Data and Applications from Unauthorized Access
Check out the recording below and discover how to protect yourself and your company from falling victim to cyber security crimes without breaking the bank.
Click here to view the recording on Cyber Security.
Check out our latest blogs about Cyber Security and learn more about how to prevent yourself and your company from falling victim to cyber crime.
Cyber Security: Keep your Username & Password Protected
Control Sensitive Data with Rights Management
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