
Beringer Team Awarded by CRMSoftware Blog

What Distributors Need to Know in the 21st Century

The world has changed dramatically over the last 20 years regarding how people and companies purchase goods & services and distributors need to adjust to these changes to stay competitive. Today’s buyers have a considerable amount of information at their fingertips to research products they are looking to purchase.

A recent McKinsey report determined that 67% of business and consumers have researched the product or service they are looking to purchase before they make the first call to a distributor. This represents a paradigm shift in commercial buying habits and today’s successful distributor needs to adjust their business to this new reality.

Successful distributors anticipate what their customers will be purchasing as well as what they should be purchasing and deliver that information to the customer before the customer begins the formal purchasing process. Distributors need to develop strategies that will allow them to manage this new process and take advantage of the opportunities it presents. The Microsoft Dynamics CRM coupled with Beringer Associates CRM for Distribution solution does just that.

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM and CRM for Distribution solutions provide you with a real time central database of information that lets you know who is buying from you, who is not buying from you, what competitor they are buying from as well as their buying history and profit margins are. This allows distributors to focus your sales and marketing efforts on increasing sales to current customers at higher margins, winning business back from the competition, as well as developing targeted sales and service strategies to win new customers.

With built in functionality like social listening you now have a way to monitor what you customers are saying and thinking about your company across a spectrum of platforms such a Facebook and twitter. Social listening also enables you to monitor your competition and quickly react to purchasing signals to generate quality leads and sales. As customers use social media to amplify their voices, distributors need a proven tool to respond effectively. Couple this with the ability to generate targeted email and drip marketing campaigns from within Microsoft Dynamics CRM based on this information. Mobile CRM licenses are included at no additional charge so your sales team will always have the latest customer information whether in the office or meeting at a customer site. You have all the tools you need to thrive and grow in this customer driven environment.

So if you want to succeed and excel in the 21st Century, Microsoft Dynamics and CRM for Distribution will provide you with the tools you need to succeed.