
Working with in-app notifications

Dynamics Unified Interface Upgrades are Here!

Changes Are Coming to Dynamics

You may have recently received an email from Microsoft stating that change is coming and your Dynamics 365 environments will be automatically transitioned to the Dynamics Unified Interface within the next 30 days. While this may seem alarming, this is only an optional early transition; you still have control over when your environments are transitioned to the new interface before the final deadline of October 1, 2020.
Unified Interface scheduling email

What is the Dynamics Unified Interface?

As you may already know, the Unified Interface is the new user experience that Microsoft is mandating all Dynamics 365 environments put into use by October 2020. This interface ensures a smooth, consistent experience across all devices, whether you access Dynamics from your PC, phone, or tablet. For more information, check out our webinar titled Navigating in the New User Interface and User Settings!

What do I need to do?

Beringer Technology Group recommends a methodical approach to implementing and testing the Unified Interface. Within the Unified Interface scheduling portal, Dynamics administrators can schedule and approve upgrades of their environments. We recommend upgrading your Sandbox environment as soon as possible to provide ample time for full system testing. Additionally, we highly recommend a full review of all custom code  as Microsoft recently deprecated their Xrm.Page object model. Some legacy JavaScript functions may no longer work in the Unified Interface as a result.
Unified Interface scheduling portal

What if I do nothing?

The Dynamics 365 legacy web client will no longer be available beginning October 1, 2020. If you choose to take no action, your legacy web client sitemap will be rendered within the Unified Interface when accessing Dynamics. Although you will not lose access to your data or any Dynamics native functionality, you will experience the following:

  • Inability to test, fix, and upgrade existing customizations
  • Lost opportunity to train employees on the new interface
  • Potential business disruptions due to the reasons above

We’re Here to Help!

Beringer Technology Group has extensive experience with the Unified Interface and have already helped numerous clients successfully test and transition to the new experience. We can help you schedule your upgrade, develop a testing plan, and review your custom code to ensure that your business isn’t disrupted by this upgrade. Contact us today if you need help with this exciting transition!

Beringer Technology Group, a leading Microsoft Gold Certified Partner specializing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 and CRM for Distribution. We also provide expert Managed IT ServicesBackup and Disaster RecoveryCloud Based Computing and Unified Communication Solutions.