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Microsoft Dynamics 365 ♥ Azure App Services

Microsoft Dynamics 365 ♥ Azure App Services

Peanut Butter & Jelly ….. Cookies & Milk ….. Han Solo & Chewbacca

There’s been some great pairings that have stood the test of time.  Individually they each have their unique strengths, but combining them makes an unstoppable duo!  I’ve been working in the Microsoft space for my entire career, and want to nominate another amazing couple:  Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Azure App Services

What is Dynamics 365 CRM?

Dynamics 365 CRM stands for customer relationship management. It’s a category of integrated, data-driven solutions that improve how you interact and do business with your customers. CRM systems and applications are designed to manage and maintain customer relationships, track engagements and sales, and deliver actionable data—all in one place.

Dynamics 365 is a very powerful platform, but one platform cannot do it all.

What if you need to run a consistent background process?

What if you need to build a custom web interface or API?

What if you need to present data or documents publicly across the internet?

No need to worry because Microsoft Azure App Services can handle these tasks.

What is Microsoft Azure App Services?

The Microsoft Azure App Service (MAAS) is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering from Microsoft Azure.  This service allows you to create WebApps for custom interfaces and Application Program Interfaces (APIs), and WebJobs to automate complex tasks.  MAAS runs apps on fully managed virtual machines (VMs), and are easy to scale when additional resources are needed.  Here are some of the reasons why the MAAS platform and Dynamics 365 complement each other:


MASS and Dynamics 365 run on top of the .NET framework, making it very easy to integrate the two platforms using their APIs.

Dynamics 365 assembly limitations

Dynamics 365 utilizes custom assemblies to execute custom code within a process.  These processes are bound to certain limitations, such as an execution timeout and the inability to include foreign assemblies.  The MASS platform is not bound to these limitations, and can execute any code that is required.


Dynamics 365 processes execute based on a data driven event. The MASS platform can execute based on a time driven event, which allows it the ability to perform repetitive automated functions based on the time of day.


All HTTPS web traffic between MAAS and Dynamics is encrypted using a sha256RSA algorithm.  The certificate implemented to encrypt the data is issued By Microsoft IT SSL SHA2.  You can read Microsoft’s issuers statement here. 


The MAAS platform is International Standards Organization (ISO), Service Organization Controls(SOC) and Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant.  You can read Microsoft’s compliance offerings here.

Global scale with high availability

The MAAS platform can scale up or out manually or automatically. Microsoft’s global data center infrastructure promises availability as defined here.

Reach out to Beringer today!

We love to customize Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions here at Beringer. We’ve been working with Microsoft Dynamics since its inception, and we’re always finding innovative ways to implement the latest tools and help automate business processes. If you are looking for a Microsoft solution partner to help you with your customizations, make sure you pick the one that practices all of the Microsoft methodologies and best practices.   Are you fully utilizing your Dynamics implementation?
Please feel free to contact us and see how we can help improve user adoption and productivity.