
Dynamics 365 Form Notifications

Scheduled Snapshots Not Created in MSCRM 2013

We came across a problem in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 SP1 UR3, where for some custom reports, scheduled snapshots in CRM were not created. The “scheduled report” option was set by a CRM administrator in the system, but snapshots were just not being created according to the schedule. We found that across several reports, we could schedule snapshots for built-in reports (like Account Summary and User Summary) but not for a few custom reports.

I opened a case with MS support and found this is a known issue with CRM 2013 SP1 UR3 and below. This is supposed to be fixed in UR4. There is not an expected delivery date for UR4 at this time, but it is estimated in 2016 Q1.

Hopefully this will help someone else who comes across this same, odd problem with CRM 2013 on Premises.

Beringer Associates, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, is always here to provide expert knowledge in topics like these. Please contact us with any questions you may have.

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