
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Storage Options

When subscribing to MSCRM Online, storage should be at the top of your list of considerations. MSCRM Online does not come with a large amount of storage to begin with. Storage does increase as you add Professional licenses but it will max out at 50GB unless you pay for more. So how do you handle storage requirements without breaking the bank?

There are a few options to consider, each with pros and cons. Let’s discuss 3 of the most popular options.

MSCRM -Addons AttachmentExtractor

AttachmentExtractor is a 3rd party app that extracts your current and newly uploaded MSCRM attachments and moves them to either SharePoint or a FileShare. In place of the attachment in MSCRM, a URL link is placed. It is even possible to revert the extraction if necessary.


  • Reduces storage space by removing attachments from MSCRM.
  • Extraction is seamless. MSCRM UI does not change.
  • Can be scheduled to run off hours.


  • If storing on a network FileShare or internal SharePoint site, the attachments would not be available to external users unless the storage sites are exposed to the internet.

SharePoint Integration

MSCRM offers built-in integration with SharePoint. There is some setup to be done, but once done, you can save documents from within any MSCRM entity configured to do so. The integration even allows you to setup automatic folder creation and hierarchy. This method bypasses the use of MSCRM Notes for attachments and uses a SharePoint interface within the MSCRM record.


  • MSCRM Built-in functionality (with minor setup)
  • Documents can be easily found from within an MSCRM record or in SharePoint do to the folder creation and hierarchy.


  • SharePoint licensing required
  • Does not help with existing attachments.
  • Notes can still hold attachments and will not be automatically placed into SharePoint.
  • Attachments within Tracked emails will not be removed.
  • If storing on an internal SharePoint site, the attachments would not be available to external users unless SharePoint is exposed to the internet.

Azure Blob


  • Cheap
  • No licensing required


  • Requires some custom code and setup (Using Windows Azure Blob Storage with Dynamics CRM)
  • Does not help with existing attachments.
  • Notes can still hold attachments and will not be automatically placed into SharePoint.
  • Attachments within Tracked emails will not be removed.

So, depending on how you are using MSCRM and what attachments you are storing, one of the 3 options above should fit your needs. I mention that Notes will still be available to hold attachments in CRM, but with security roles, you can disable this functionality.


MSCRM Storage

  • 5GB per Instance (sandbox and multitenant share this storage)
  • 2.5GB per 20 Professional Licenses
  • MAX of 50GB based on above
  • Additional Storage: $9.99/Gb/month

MSCRM Addons AttachmentExtractor (Please click here for the most up-to-date information)


  • 1-20 users = $1,440
  • 21-100 users = $3,600
  • 101-300 users = $5,765
  • 300+ = request pricing

SharePoint Online

  • 10GB base storage is provided
  • 500MB per user
  • $.20 per GB overage
  • Licensing is extra

Azure Blob (sample)

10GB = $0.24/month

per 100,000 transactions = $0.01/month

Pricing Calculator

Beringer Associates, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, is always here to provide expert knowledge in topics like these. Please contact us with any questions you may have.