
Do I really have to upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics 365 v 9.0?
Introducing Microsoft’s More “Relaxed” Update Policy for Dynamics 365
Would you believe me if I said “no”? Microsoft recently changed their update policy to give customers more flexibility when it comes to Dynamics 365 Online upgrades. With previous releases, Microsoft introduced self-scheduled upgrades. This allows customers to choose when their upgrades will take place, giving you more control over your organization’s CRM Roadmap. But even with self-scheduling, customers were still forced to schedule and accept two upgrades per year. With more complex systems, this could mean that some customers could wind up in a perpetual upgrade cycle.
Microsoft’s Update Policy
Today, Microsoft has a more relaxed update policy allowing customers to have more choice in the matter. You still have the ability to self-schedule your upgrades. But now you also have a choice of whether or not you want to skip an upgrade. You read that correctly – you can now skip an update to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online. Customers can now choose to take both updates as they become available each year or skip one and wait for the next.
So what’s the catch? First, you can only skip one update. So if you are on an older version of Dynamics 365 online and the next update comes out, you’re going to be forced into scheduling an upgrade. You’ll still get to choose the date of your upgrade. (If you don’t choose one, Microsoft will select a date for you.) Second, if you do skip an update, you might not have access to the latest and greatest features and functionality available. So weigh your options carefully before clicking the Approve button to schedule your next update.
What’s next?
Still not sure if you need to schedule your update? The most current version of Dynamics 365 available online is 9.0. If your organization is on version 8.2, you will continue to be supported and can safely skip the upgrade. However, if your organization is on version 8.1 or older, you will need to schedule your upgrade. Still not sure what to do? Reach out to Beringer today. We’re available to help with all your upgrade planning needs.
Beringer Technology Group, a leading Microsoft Gold Certified Partner specializing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 and CRM for Distribution. We also provide expert Managed IT Services, Backup and Disaster Recovery, Cloud Based Computing and Unified Communication Solutions.