
Cyber Security is like Swiss Cheese

IT HelpDesk vs IT Managed Services

Most (All!!) Managed IT Service companies provide help desk services. These are basic break fix technical resources that will help you change your password, restore your remote VPN access, restore your email flow and generally do just enough to keep you going.  The Technology world we live in now is a whole different animal that requires not just reactive help but a forward-looking, thoughtful view of your business’ landscape from both the security and productivity perspectives.Beringer CEO Katrina Barnes recently attended BUILD IT’s Conference in Orlando, Florida and came away with a reaffirmation of those changes.

 Agenda – Build IT LIVE 2023 (

(31) Katrina Barnes | LinkedIn

Beringer’s managed services is a full suite of tools and solutions that are managed by the customer success person and of the CIO to make sure your business stays on the leading edge of the technology are the seas not bleeding edge) to make sure your business does not just run by homes